Monlogistics IPO
In 2005, Monlogistics Holding embarked on its journey within Mongolia's transportation and logistics industry, gradually evolving into a conglomerate with a portfolio of 10 subsidiary companies. Today, it stands as a pioneering force in the sector, having extended its operations into both Russia and China.
Golomt Bank IPO
Golomt bank IPO campaign
CU brand
Central Express CVS LLC is the official franchisee of the Korean CU Brand, and since August 2018, it has opened more than 138 branches of the CU International convenience store chain in Ulaanbaatar and employs more than 1,300 people. With customers, we continue to provide our customers with uninterrupted operation 24/7.
УБ дахь Бритиш сургууль
Улаанбаатар дахь Бритиш сургууль (BSU) нь Англи, Уэльсийн үндэсний сургалтын хөтөлбөрийг Монгол улсад хэрэгжүүлдэг. Тус сургууль нь Монгол сурагчидад дэлхийн нэр хүндтэй их дээд сургуулиудад шууд элсэн суралцах боломжийг олгодог.
Herbalife Nutrition is a global nutrition company. Since 1980, company has been on a mission to improve nutritional habits around the world with great- tasting, science-backed nutrition products that help people get the right balance of healthy nutrition.
The British School of Ulaanbaatar (BSU) enables its students to be accepted to world renowned universities, colleges, and institutions. Also, to contribute to the Mongolian English-speaking school community to meet the ever-growing demand for an internationally recognized education. In addition, a school follows the National Curriculum of England and Wales and complement this curriculum with Mongolian content.